The PRIX EUROPA IRIS is one of the prize categories of the PRIX EUROPA, awarding the best European  television programme of the year about cultural diversity.


The latest IRIS winner (of the year 2021) is the documentary "Faith Can Move Mountains", submitted by NRK, directed by Silje Evensmo Jacobsen, produced by Medieoperatørene as.


IRIS invites programmes (TV Fiction or TV Non-Fiction) that tackle the diverse character of European societies and contribute towards understanding and tolerance between people of different origins, cultures and religions.


Iris stands for equality and tolerance.

In ancient Greece, Iris was the messenger of the Gods who carried their messages to the four corners of the world. She appeared as a radiant rainbow

The iris is also the part of our eye that enables us to see the richness of the colours surrounding us

IRIS stands for an open and clear view of the multicultural colourfulness in our modern society


IRIS covers all TV genres


IRIS covers all aspects of diversity in Europe


IRIS collects entries from 31 European countries


IRIS deals with all emotions of human life